Monday, January 31, 2011

Running : The Cheapest Way to Burn Calories

. Monday, January 31, 2011 .

Run dummies Run , Run and Burn
I took this article from here

Best Exercise To Burn Calories: Running

Running is recognized to be the finest exercise to burn up calories. As someone runs at a restrained fastness as equal 7 miles in an 60 minutes could nearly burn down around 800 calories. The merely trouble on these are once you act these just about day-to-day and so your consistence gets at adjust to these sort of intensity degree and gets a good deal more effective these so causes to burn down little fat for the equal kind of workout.
This is when it is time that you should change your routine of running especially if you happen to are going to run to burn calories. With a little change to your routine, you can begin to burn calories and continue losing weight as well as bring about fitness gains. Following are a few tips that you can adapt to burn more calories.

If by chance you get to run on a beach you running will be all the more enjoyable and you will also get the chance to burn thirty percent more while running on the sand as compared to losing calories on a pavement this indeed makes running the best exercise to burn calories. If you want to increase, your chances of burning more calories than you could also try running through water. The resistance added will only make your situation better by burning twice the amount of calories.

You could consider taking green tea before you begin to run. It is a known fact that with the help of green tea one can burn more fat. You could even consider taking green tea supplements for the same. The most effective means of having to burn fat is interval training. This requires an individual to run slow and at a very steady pace for about a few minutes after which you have to exert more which in turn helps elevating the heart rate.

With the method you will be able to burn many more calories through interval training, you will also be able to burn calories continuously for many hours after finishing the run, which only means that you are going to be burning many more calories throughout a day. You should run for about three minutes at one particular pace and then increase the speed at which you will be running until the point when you will begin to breathe heavily. You should then return to a pace more slower for another three minutes. Make sure you keep alternating this. Make sure you take advice from your doctor before you begin interval training. If you happen to have any history of heart diseases in your family or diabetes or blood pressure then it is always safe to consult.

If you have been running on a treadmill then you should know that to increase the amount of calories you will burn you should take it outside. Wind resistance, uneven terrain or changes in temperate make running outside tougher from the perspective of calorie burning and cardiovascular. You will easily be burning at least five percent more of the calories you would be burning indoors.

See also

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