Want A Lean, Hot, And Sexy Body Fast? Here Are 3 Steps I Took To Help Me Drop 25 Lbs In 30 Days!
This article I took from hereWho else wants a lean, fit, and healthy body... in less than a month... and without doing anything complicated or restrictive? Read on to discover 3 very simple... but VERY powerful steps I took to be able to drop an amazing 25 pounds of fat in the first 30 days... naturally and PERMANENTLY.
I Stopped Eating Processed Foods
Processed foods are rejected by your body and are stored as body fat. Eating junk foods, sugary foods, boxed, canned, frozen, etc. will do nothing for you except cause you to add on pounds, add on fat, and cause several different health concerns later in life. If you want to take a HUGE step right away that will make a HUGE difference right away, then decreasing or eliminating processed foods from your diet is certainly the right way to go.I Started Building More Muscle Tissue
There is nothing wrong with doing interval cardio to burn fat, increase your metabolism, etc. Also, there is nothing wrong with doing moderate low intensity cardio to maintain a healthy weight, etc. However, if you have a lot of fat to lose, building lean muscle will SKYROCKET your fat loss ability like you wouldn't believe! This is because muscle burns fat... just by having more of it on your body!
By the way, you don't have to weight-train like you are going into the Olympics, just simple basic weight training will suffice.
I Ate To Cause My Body To Burn Calories Instead Of Storing Calories
One of the most powerful things I did to cause tons of weight to drop off incredibly fast was that I changed how I ate. Instead of eating as normal (eating 3 predictable meals a day), I started eating 4-6 small healthy meals daily, and I rotated how I ate nutrients and the amount of calories I was eating. This ultimately caused me to have an elevated metabolism, I no longer suffered from those annoying late-night cravings, my hunger pangs decreased, and so much more.
By following those 3 powerful steps above, I ended up dropping 25 pounds of body fat in just under 30 days, and then I ultimately lost 52 pounds in 8 weeks. Besides those fantastic numbers, the other benefits I received was more energy, I improved my joints (I had a HUGE problem with my knees), I slept better, and so much more. Was there any secret to my success? Nope! I simply stayed consistent, followed those tips above, and chose to go on a natural diet instead of one of those INSANE fad diets!
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